Scottish Global Forum is an independent think-tank dedicated to the analysis of issues which are of significance to Scotland and its place in the world.

Our remit is to generate policy-relevant knowledge for political and civic elites, and to provide citizens with clear, understandable analysis. The research focus of our institute is inferred in its name. Scottish Global Forum’s mission is to analyse and opine on Scotland’s domestic politics, economics and security, and also its relations with other states, sub-state actors and international institutions.

Our research strengths include the following areas:

- Scottish-UK constitutional politics
- Democratic process in the UK
- Scottish-UK-EU relations
- Constitutional change & transition

- Civic participation
- Citizen representation & protection
- Equality

- Scottish-UK external relations

- International organisations, particularly the European Union & NATO
- International co-operation & development

- High North & Arctic politics and security

- UK security & defence
- UK nuclear posture

- Nuclear disarmament efforts
- Scottish security needs

- Human security
- Environmental security

- Maritime interests

At SGF, we believe that broad civic participation is the cornerstone of any vibrant democracy. We thus place great emphasis on ensuring that our work is accessible and that it is disseminated as effectively as possible.

The Scottish Global Forum represents a significant voice in the great debate over Scotland’s strengths, choices, and place in the world. We embrace every opportunity for discussion and we welcome organisations and individuals to support us in our work.